Monday, October 6, 2014

As for #1...

...child, that is.  I promised a "new beginning" post about Amy.  Unlike her siblings, Amy is done with her many years of schooling, culminating last year as she graduated with a Master's Degree!
We are so proud of her and all she has accomplished academically.  Now, each day of her life seems to be filled with new beginnings--how could it not be with this little person around!

I like to call her, "the Mads!"  This was that day that she was "weeding."  Then there was the day...
...she was"baking" at Grandma's house (while the rest of us were eating in the other room)!  Or a few days ago, when she was helping grandma wipe down some walls...
The Mads turned two last week--of course each day is a fun "new beginning" for her and her mom!  She is the joy of the family, and every day is better if she is a part of it.  But as much fun as the Mads adds to her little family, there are some exciting other beginnings in the making:
She and grandma were wiping down the walls of a "new" home.  Amy and husband closed on a new house last week--and it's less than an hour away from grandma and grandpa!  Happiness!!  And none too soon, the Mads is showing grandma the anticipated "new beginning" happening in December...

..the arrival of a new little sister!  Yes, there are many exciting happenings in Amy's life. She chronicles her "musings" on her blog, Simple Pearls--demonstrating some masterful writing skills.  I love having Amy nearby, I love that she has chosen to be a mom--thus making me a grandma, and I love that she continues to hone gifts and talents which she has been given in a new arena of life. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Life Changes

This seems to be a time of year for new beginnings.  I'm here to report a new beginning of my own...but first, I want to share some beginnings of a few people near and dear to me.Photo: Happy first day of grad school homeboy. You'll do great. 

I tried to convince him to let me go with my original idea- a photo of him before he woke up for his first day. He didn't seem too pleased, but I've still got it ;) 

Also, excuse the white wall but our apartment is still in move-in stage and cannot be photographed at this time. 

#firstdayofschool #mit #lovehim #forhismom #vscoThis is son number one, Ryan, captured in photo here by his wife in a 1st-day-of-school pic.  Ryan's new beginning is happening in Boston, 1st day of his doctoral program in economics.
Next is son number two, Jordan.  He snapped a selfie (at mom's request!) of his first day of his Senior Year at BYU.  Two semesters to go, Jord--you're almost home free--at least until you start grad school!

This dapper guy, son number four, got delivered by his parents (I'm sure he'd rather you not know that--but, really, we thought he needed some chaperones :) ), to his first day of his Freshman year in college.  Though he is also attending BYU, his campus is a little farther away....
And then there is our missionary son, Tyler.  He surprised us with this birthday pic, taken in his apartment in Alaska.  We knew he had visited an eye doctor, and that this facial addition was coming, but this was our first look at "the new hardware", as he termed it.  The cupcakes show a pretty good likeness of missionary Tyler!

And not to leave out the girls (though I will leave out Amy--stayed tuned to future posts :)), this picture represents the new beginning that resulted in my "new beginning".
This is my "baby", Becky, on the first day of her Junior year of high school.  Did you catch life changing event?  Becky is climbing into the driver's seat to motor herself off to high school.  "Mom's Taxi Service", open and operating for some 22 years of school drop-offs and pick-ups--and almost every extra-curricular event of each pre-16-year-old child--is now closed!  My services are no longer needed!  What is that thing that I experienced in this season of new beginnings?  Time?  Could it be possible, that I have spare moments in a day not eaten away by yet another run to dance (as an example)?  Amazing! 

Now what to do?  I started a Face-book page this year, wanting to stay connected with friends and loved ones throughout the country.  I think I've written on my page once since the launch.  I've relearned something about myself--I'm generally overly verbose in writing.  Overly verbose doesn't seem to play well on Facebook.  So my newest "new beginning" is this blog...My Valley View.  The title is not necessarily inspiring, but the reality is....I have an amazing Valley View from the kitchen window of my home.  That valley view inspires and lifts me on a daily basis, and it is a major factor in my other new beginning...the beginning of a major remodel of my home.  Yes, I have found not one way, but a few major ways to take up that new-found free time--blogging, as well as packing, designing and remodeling my home!.  It should be a fun ride.  Thought you might like to peek in on my ride occasionally--I'd love to have you along (hey, that's kind of like a virtual taxi, isn't it?  Maybe I am still in business!!)!